Tuesday 7 October 2014

1c. Audio-visual

So....... I had been putting off this task for a while as I hate seeing myself on video and hearing my own voice and after reading some of the blogs from the other students it seems like I am not the only one!  A teacher at my college said to us "Performers always have insecurities as they are constantly wanting reassurance and to please people" and this is true!  This is why I think we all find it hard to be ourselves instead of hiding behind a character! 

I found it really awkward just speaking to the camera so I thought it would be a bit more interesting if I added some photos into the video, so this is what I did.

I thought this task wouldn't take me that long, however I am not the most technical person so I was definitely proven wrong!  I used a new app called "Cute cut" which was hard to get the hang of as I have never used it before but once I had sussed it out I actually enjoyed using it!  I was relieved once I had finished putting the video together but I then realised I had the task of trying to get it onto youtube! This also took me a while......but I got there in the end!!!

Here is the link to the video.

 (Hopefully this works! Can you let me know if it does?? Thanks x)

Audio-visuals are very useful in our industry as we can use showreels to send to employers.  By sending showreels this allows people to see what we are capable of and even get a sense of our character and personality, which you can't get from a photograph.

This task has been very useful, however I am glad it is over! I now know how to put together a small video and am now familiar with the process of putting videos on youtube and putting links on my blog which I had never done before.  I will definitely continue to use this process through out the course and also after the course has finished. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sian,
    I sadly could not view your video :( (Maybe because I'm in a different country?)
    I love how you described your approach to this task and learning to make your video. I'm really not a techie myself, but found iMovie to be super helpful in editing.

    Ilona x

  3. Ah no! I wonder if anyone else can see it? Thank you for the comment, you are officially the first person to comment on any of my posts :)

  4. It is a good site post without fail. Not too many people would actually, the way you just did. I am impressed that there is so much information about this subject that has been uncovered and you’ve defeated yourself this time, with so much quality. Good Works! ส เต็ ป 69
