Tuesday 5 January 2016


After much hesitation and motivation from Stephanie Vezmar, I finally did it......I pressed the SUBMIT button!

It has been an action-packed year and I feel I have learnt so much through out the course and even though at times I have found it very challenging and have wanted to give up, the support from other B.A.P.P students, Paula and my professional community has been very much appreciated and has helped me get to this submission point!

It has been very rewarding and satisfying seeing everything I have learnt from each module come together and supply me with the tools and knowledge needed to carry out my Professional Inquiry and Professional Artefact.

I am now about to start the process of working on my Oral Presentation and I am looking forward to meeting other B.A.P.P students at the presentations, as I haven't been able to attend any campus sessions over the course.

Good Luck to everyone submitting their work!  This is a big achievement for us all :) x


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